Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Who's Behind Mining? Foreign Investors -- Great Letter to the Editor

Eeek! Mr. Coles is serving more Kool-Aid! Uranium is a gift from God and that makes it good?

Date published: 3/6/2008

As a retired service member, I am troubled by the attempted logic of Mick Mastilovic's letter [" We need to understand uranium more so we might fear it less," Feb. 26].

The author, vice president of operations for Virginia Uranium Inc., states that "The Coles Hill deposit [in Pittsylvania County] is a wondrous natural resource--a gift from God, if you please."

He also insinuates that there is some level of shame in not supporting uranium mining efforts as our troops are dying overseas.

What? Please, a little less with the drama and a little more with the facts.

I'm guessing that his company's Canadian investors don't link their investment dollars in any way, shape, or form to the sacrifice of U.S. military members.

Canadian companies--such as Powertech Uranium Corp. (with efforts in several U.S. states), Uranium One Inc. (whose U.S. efforts included buying a whole town in Utah), and Aberdeen International (which announced that it had completed its investment in Virginia Uranium), apparently have no shame in supporting uranium mining in someone else's country and county.

Mr. Mastilovic asks us to consider a quote from Marie Curie. How about we consider this, instead: Though Curie, and her daughter Irene, made great contributions to society, both died of conditions linked to exposure to radiation. (Look it up!)

Guess what: they also had foreign investors. Too bad they didn't have a crystal ball.

Frank Morgan


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