Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Just Say "NO" to New Nukes!

From Shireen Parsons, CELDF:

I thought you might be interested in this alert from the Union
of Concerned Scientists. Please send a letter today urging the
Department of Energy not to build new nuclear weapons and,
instead, move toward a world free of nuclear weapons. If you go
to the URL below you can check out the details and send your own

Urge Administration to Abandon New Nuclear Weapons

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is planning to upgrade the entire U.S. nuclear weapons complex, returning our country to a Cold War capability of designing, developing, and producing new nuclear weapons. Fortunately, a mandatory environmental review of the DOE’s “Complex Transformation” initiative allows you to submit comments on this ill-advised draft plan. Although your chance to comment is coming to a close, it’s not too late if you act soon—the deadline is April 10.

Please write today and tell the DOE that we don’t need the capacity to build NEW nuclear weapons; we need to take the lead in moving toward a world free of nuclear weapons.

Please make your letter personal by adding in your own thoughts and concerns. Every letter makes a difference, but customized letters have the greatest effect!

To ensure your email is delivered, please DO NOT change the subject line.

If you believe that the US does not need to build new nuclear weapons, click on the link above and complete the online form to let your voice be heard.

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