Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Now What?------- CB101

The Way Forward
Okay! We won! Hooray! What do we do now?

Do you think Coles and Bowen and Virginia Uranium have given up? Do you think his investors have given up? Do you think all of their corporate stockholders will say it’s all right to just fold up and “we won’t worry about all the millions you have already spent?” Do you think all 15+ lobbyists they hired will give up when Uranium is paying for new boats and cars for them? Do you think all the legislators who received all those Uranium campaign funds, and, who knows, what else may have been promised, will give up now? What do you think is the answer to all of those questions?

Well, I know and the answer is ……HELL NO!

So, what are we going to do knowing that THEY ARE NOT GOING AWAY ? Should we wait until they do something; something that we actually hear about? Should we wait until just before next year’s General Assembly and then try to keep pace with them? What should we do?

Well, I know and the answer is…..WE GO ON THE OFFENSIVE…….WE ATTACK….and ATTACK NOW!
As General Patton said during WWII, while preparing his troops to fight the Axis troops, “We’re going to grab the dirty SOBs and kick their behinds all the way to the border.” In this case, we could easily say the border in question is our northern one with Canada where the Multi-National and Local Corporations like to “officially reside”.

Ok, now……………HOW is the BIG QUESTION !! Sometime this month or early next month, we will meet together with all the organizations that had a “dog in this hunt” with us. Hopefully, we can get some of our key legislators who helped us to also attend. At that time, we need to present the attack option to them.

For details of the actual proposal, please read the email being sent out by Gregg Vickrey. I do not find it prudent to disclose details in this forum until we are agreed on them!

LONG LIVE>>>>> CB 101

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