Sunday, March 30, 2008

Uranium Mining Opponents Meet-Plan Strategy

The ALLIANCE of Groups Opposed To Uranium Mining Hold First Strategy Meeting
The first meeting of a coalition of groups opposed to uranium mining was held Saturday. March 29, 2008 in the town of Halifax, VA. The locale was appropriate as Halifax town is the first local government authority to pass chemical trespass ordinances to protect its citizens against corporate assaults such as uranium mining will pose.
In attendance with key representatives were Southside Concerned Citizens (SCC), Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC), Dan River Basin Association (DRBA), Occoneechee Native American Tribe, Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League (BREDEL), Virginia Conservation Network (VCN), and Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF). The meeting was facilitated by SCC's Gregg Vickrey.
Topics of discussion included the history of mining in Virginia, the current mining situation, the challenge in the General Assembly, and the effort to get local governments invoved in protecting their citizens. Plans, strategies, and resources were outlined and agreed upon with assignments made of particular actions.
All agreed that future meetings would be held to continue planning and additional groups would be invited to join The ALLIANCE.

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