Thursday, December 27, 2007

Winery Owner Calls Mining Opposition "Illiterate Hysterics"

In the interest of fairness, this Blog presents a featured Post from an appararently reasoned opposing viewpoint, although this will be left to the reader to judge.)

(From the Letters to the Editor- Star Tribune 12/27/2007)

Uranium argument 'laced with hysteria'

I have read several letters from environmentalists in your newspaper recently. Every one of these letters is laced with the hysteria so emblematic of the environmental movement over the last 50 years.
This hysteria has brought us several disasters:
A) We are now totally dependent for oil on those in the world who would like to destroy us, while huge deposits of oil in this country remain in the ground.
B) We are forced to buy toilets that do not work satisfactorily.
C) Several good insecticides and fungicides are no longer available even though the hysteria which had them removed was found to be not true many years later.
All of the streams and rivers in this county are choked with fecal coli-form and e-coli while the environmentalists do nothing because there is no company to destroy if they tackle this issue.
If these folks would like me to take them seriously, I would like them to tell me the exact method by which uranium mining will kill me and then demonstrate their qualifications for making these statements.
Now they are asking for a public hearing to discuss uranium mining. This so they can pack the meeting with their illiterate and further sway public opinion with more unfounded hysteria.
No way!!
Corky Medaglia, PE

(Blogger's Note: Corky Medaglia, along with his wife Nancy, own Tomahawk Mills Winery and Vineyard near both Chatham, VA and the proposed urnanium mine site.)

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