The meeting will be held at Town Hall on Wednesday, December 19, 2007 at 6:30 pm. SCC is calling for the Chatham council to adopt a similiar resolution as was passed by the Halifax Town Council on Monday, December 10, 2007. Halifax's resolution calls for a continued moratorium on the mining and milling of uranium within the state of Virginia.
SCC's Chatham-chapter Executive Board member, Eloise Nenon and the local chapter's Uranium Project Chairman, Gregg Vickrey, have both called for a large turnout at the meeting to show support for stopping this potentially life-threatening industrial endeavour in our county. Please come early and/or contact the local chapter at if you would like to address the council or make a presentation. There is a limit to both the number and length of speakers.
A copy of Halifax's Resolution can be viewed in our "Links" feature on the right-hand side of this page.

Virginia Uranium to begin test drilling at Coles Hill
By TIM DAVIS, Star-Tribune Editor
Wednesday, November 28, 2007 11:09 AM EST
"Although there has been a moratorium on uranium mining in Virginia for more than two decades, exploratory drilling is allowed and the Virginia Department of Mines and Minerals recently approved Virginia Uranium's permit.
According to the Department of Mines and Minerals, 40 test holes will be drilled to a depth of 1,500 feet.
A copy of the 50-page permit is expected to be on file at the Pittsylvania County Public Library in Chatham."
Reading this article left me both furious and sickened. I have driven through Southside many, many times and have found it absolutely lovely in every way. The thought of it, and the much larger collateral area of VA, NC, and beyond, becoming contaminated through radiation release for untold thousands of years is simply unacceptable.
I'm from Kentucky where the United States Enrichment Corporation has operated an uranium gaseous diffusion plant in Paducah for years. Oh, what a mess that has been although it was supposed to be 'safe' because it was a plant, not a mining operation. Ladies and gentlemen, there's no way to make uranium 'safe'.
The Southside Concerned Citizens are to be commended for their swift and staunch opposition to the news that once again mining Coles Hill was being considered. Everyone within 200 miles of Pittsylvania County and Coles Hill needs to attend this council meeting and voice opposition to the mining. The importance of stopping this effort cannot be over-emphasized but the battle to bar the mining will be long and arduous.
Please know that you have support from at least one 'neighbor' who, like you, wants to see the natural beauty of Southside, and the health and safety of its residents protected from this proposed scourge for eons to come.
Smidgen Barnes
Louisville, KY
Bag Lady, thank you for your support! We are going to need all we can get and especially from those like you who are already suffering. I do want to invite you to:
1. Sign our online petition
2. Vote in our on-line poll
3. Sign up with us as an Affiliate member to be on our EmailAlert list for continuing developements
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