Saturday, April 18, 2009

THE PEOPLE SPEAK: Taxpayers own nuclear problems

Comment: Nuke plants are too costly, uses uranium, therefore, uranium mining, benefits only the corporations not the people!! No nuke plants, no uranium mining!

Published April 17, 2009 02:45 pm -

Oklahoma Republicans are being very hypocritical in supporting taxpayer guarantees in funding to build massively expensive nuclear plants.

Rate payers get to pay ahead for these dangerous monstrosities that will throw millions down the drain if they cannot be completed — no “free market” here. Taxpayers pay for the insurance.

It is one rip off after another for the citizen.

Who benefits? Will Texas get the electricity or will it be Kansas?

We do not need nuclear plants. Solar thermal (not the same as solar panels) and wind could supply the energy without the dangerous polluting of uranium mining.

Who will pay for the medical expenses for the increased cancer rates around Muskogee if the plant is built here? Who will pay for the decommissioning of these plants when they age?

I think the people will pay and big corporations will benefit.

What about contaminated nuclear groundwater as has happened in France?

We need a town meeting about this important issue before the Republicans rush things through.

Jean McMahon

Fort Gibson

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