Saturday, April 18, 2009

Government says one thing and does the complete opposite

Comment: Another Canadian uranium story, remember the local uranium mining company are a Canadian Corp!


There has been much written in the past several years about the quality of the air we breathe and what can be done to improve it.

Our provincial government is flogging its green agenda by setting deadlines for the elimination of coal burning power generating plants. They are pushing for a greener way to produce electricity and have promoted solar, wind and in a big way nuclear energy.

Many millions of dollars have been spent in promoting a greener Ontario. Newspapers, radio and television have all got their share of the government (our) money to convince us that the province's way is the best way. (sounds like the Virginia Gov. talking about green jobs but he wants to mine SouthSide and allowing Mt Top Removal!)

Now the federal government has put our tax dollars to work, again to achieve a greener Canada and to clean up the air we breathe. Focus is on new technologies for energy, cleaner fuel for cars and, of course, everyone in the country becoming responsible for a more efficient use of all forms of energy.

There are two things in this world that we need to exist. One is clean air; the other is clean water.

This is where I become somewhat confused in the government's suggestion that all of us have a responsibility to clean up the environment. My question is: "Does the word 'all' include the government?" On the one hand they are making policy and handing out millions of dollars to appear to be doing one thing while with the other hand they are doing the exact opposite. (just like Virginia!)

If one was to look up the Mining Effluent Regulation (MMER) of the Fisheries Act you would see a 'Schedule 2'. This schedule is a loophole in the act that allows our rivers and lakes to be used as toxic dumpsites for the metal mining industry. Several months ago I wrote about the mining of uranium (a key to the production of nuclear power) and its affect on the surrounding rivers, lakes and ground water. I also mentioned the increases in rates of cancer and respiratory problems that were directly connected to the drinking water in these areas.

Schedule 2 was first introduced in 2002. The Liberal government gave its assurances that healthy bodies of water would not be used. The general public would not know this and I find it disgraceful that our federal representatives did not make their constituents aware of this nasty piece of legislation.

In 2006 the Harper government (our green policy government) approved that two fresh water lakes in Newfoundland could be destroyed by toxic waste. Since that time Environment Canada has released 11 more natural fresh water bodies that mining companies have applied to use as toxic dumpsites. This list is only the bodies of water that could be destroyed in the next few years. It is not the complete list.

Mining companies are busy lobbying all governments to amend their clean water legislation to allow them to destroy another of our natural resources.

My suggestion to the mining companies is to find a better way of mining.(No Uranium Mining!)

All citizens of our great country and below our border should be infuriated with any government that would allow this to happen.

Write, e-mail or phone our representatives today and let them know exactly how you feel about letting another one of our precious natural resources be ruined by companies not willing to find a better and safer way and governments that allow this. (everyone in Virginia needs to write our leaders to stop Uranium Mining, Mt Top Removal and No to Nuke Plants, we want true green energy!!!!)

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