Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ameren Scraps Plans for Callaway II

Comment: Virginia, we need this law too, we should not have to pay for a future Nuke Plant since they are so dangerous and old technology!

Thursday, Apr 23, 2009 @06:56pm CST

(Jefferson City, MO) -- A utility company has scrapped plans to build a new $6-billion nuclear plant in Missouri.

AmerenUE was hoping lawmakers would repeal a law prohibiting power companies from passing on some of the building costs to customers. (don't the taxpayers have to pay for the plant, duh, now they want us to pay twice -(which we do in Virginia now) greed!!!!))

The bill would have let utilities add financing costs onto electric bills before the plant was operational.

But lawmakers said they didn't think that bill would pass.

Governor Jay Nixon says the idea of increasing customer bills in the current economy, is a bad idea. "Adding whatever number you want to use. 15, 20, 30, 40 percent to businesses and individuals' bills, in the short run with this economy right now I don't think is the right thing to do."

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