Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Uranium Mining Risks Outweigh Jobs

Letter to the Editor

Chatham Star-Tribune

Wednesday, January 14, 2009 10:48 AM EST

Pittsylvania County is predominately a rural area. What impact would mining uranium have on the local population, livestock and water quality? Are you willing to risk life as you know it? With the lack of definitive studies that determine the long-term effects of uranium mining, would you or your love ones want to take the chance of contaminated water, livestock and health risks imposed on the local population? What about the ability to stay in your home or yet try selling it?

Virginia Tech did an environmental impact study and found concerns such as radioactive dust releases, mine water seepage, protection of miners from radioactivity and the disposal of a large quantity of mine waste. How will they dispose of mill tailings containing toxic metals and chemical waste used in the treatment process?

As a concerned resident of Pittsylvania County, I feel the risks of uranium mining are a high cost to pay for a few jobs that might come to the area. I put a higher price on my health, the environment, the livestock and our way of life.

Frank H. Benson III


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