Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Anaylsis finds toxins high in contained ash

(Published January 28, 2009)

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Duke University scientists have found high levels of arsenic and elevated levels of radium in the sludge waiting to be cleaned up at a massive coal ash spill in Tennessee.

The scientists, working with the United Mountain Defense coal industry watchdog group, sampled sludge trapped in an Emory River inlet below the Kingston Fossil Plant. Some 1.1 billion gallons of coal ash and water breached a holding facility there Dec. 22.

The samples showed levels of radioactive radium in solid ash slightly higher than expected and arsenic in sludge water significantly higher. However, river water tested downstream of the plant was clean.

They say the tests suggest caution will be required in containing the spill as it is cleaned up to prevent "severe health implications" for the area.

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