By Nance Haxton
Posted Sat May 2, 2009 12:29am AEST
Updated Sat May 2, 2009 12:39am AEST
BHP Billiton has released the long-awaited draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the mine in South Australia's north.
Over 11 years, the company wants to take Australia's biggest underground mine and make it one of the world's biggest open pit mines.
It says production of copper, gold and uranium will rise six-fold.
But it means building support infrastructure, such as a desalination plant, power lines and possibly a gas-fired power station.
That desalination plant worries many local residents, who are concerned that its location at Point Lowly on the Upper Spencer Gulf could affect fishing and also the world renowned colony of giant cuttlefish that breeds nearby.
But Dean Dalla Valle, chief operating officer of one of BHP's commodities divisions Uranium Australia, says their scientific research shows that the design of the plant will minimise any impact of the brine outflows on the gulf.
"The increase in salinity around the discharge is quite minimal," he said.
"The point where the desalination plant was picked was at a place of maximum velocity."
The Australian Conservation Foundation's Dave Noonan says that does not alleviate his concerns.
"Many of the marine scientists have said that they believe it may well be the worst place, given the susceptibility of the cuttlefish in the breeding cycle to impacts," he said.
"The cuttles only live for a year; if you impact that population you may seriously damage them in the long term. "
The report says 17,000 hectares (72 acres)of vegetation will have to be cleared to make way for the mine.
It also says 18 threatened animal species may be affected.
More power
Mr Dalla Valle also rejected concerns about where the increased uranium production may go.
He says if the expansion goes ahead, the mine is going to need a lot more power.
BHP Billiton is looking at building a 270-kilometre powerline from Port Augusta, or a gas pipeline from Moomba in the state's far north which would supply a new gas-fired power station at Olympic Dam.
It is these increased power needs, as well as the fact two-thirds of the concentrate will be processed off shore that concerns South Australian Greens MP Mark Parnell.
"This proposal does not maximise jobs in South Australia, it sends them to China," he said.
"The company will tell us that it will not harm the giant cuttlefish; there's other scientists who disagree.
"This project, if it comes to fruition, will blow all of our greenhouse targets right out of the water."
South Australian Premier Mike Rann has said a number of times that he hoped BHP would process the ore in Australia.
The state's Mineral Resources Minister, Paul Holloway, says the proposed development is great for the state.
"It'll now be assessed appropriately by government authorities, as well as of course the general public will have their opportunity to have their say," he said.
Expanding the mine will also mean building new port facilities, a 105-kilometre rail spur connected to the national network, a new airport, a village for construction workers and a major expansion of the nearby community of Roxby Downs.
But the company is not releasing estimates of how much the project could cost or when it will begin, until final approval by the BHP Billiton board.
Before then, the EIS is open to public comment for 14 weeks, and then BHP will respond to any concerns raised.
The plans are then submitted to the South Australian and Northern Territory governments for approval, before going to the Federal Government.
It is not expected that Federal Environment Minister Peter Garrett will even consider giving final approval to the project until next year.
Despite Mr Garrett's anti-uranium disposition before entering Federal Parliament, Mr Dalla Valle says he is confident that BHP will get a fair hearing.
"I think the minister will act in a completely professional manner and execute his ministerial duties," he said.
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