Comment: No one in the World wants Nuke Plants, why are they being built, GREED and some news, Uraniun Mining in Finland too!!!
NO to Uranium Power - Antinuclear Climate Camp, Tervola, Lapland 20–26 July 2009
Welcome to join our protest camp in Finnish Lapland next summer! We won’t allow this corner of the world, that the borders of the Finnish government surrounds, to become a paradise of the nuclear industry!
Olkiluoto 3, The fifth reactor in the country is now under constuction in Western Finland. Over a thousand mistakes have already been documented in the construction work. The cost of the construction is now twice the original budget, and the project is already three years behind schedule.
However, the Finnish government seems so excited about this success, that they are happy to let nuclear industry take care of the economy of the country in the future as well. The recent dramatic decreases in energy consumption have not affected the plans for possibly even three more reactors.
The problem with final storage for nuclear waste is said to be solved here, for the first time in the world. A huge grave has already been dug for high level radioactive waste, despite that the project is seen as absurd in expert circles.
As Finland has a reputation of having an exceptionally positive attitude toward nuclear industry, it’s not surprising that companies interested in uranium mining come here as well. There are almost 20 applications for uranium mining in effect at the moment, in various places in Eastern and Northern Finland.
This year we´ll have a protest camp in Tervola, Lapland, near the Simo municipality, where the company Fennovoima (owned by German energy giant Eon) has bought land for building a new nuclear plant, close to one of the last open salmon rivers on the European continent.
The aim is to make the camp a space, where local movements against uranium prospecting and nuclear projects, NGOs that fight against the Finnish government’s ridiculous energy policy, radical ecological groups, international antinuclear activists, and of course anyone else interested in the issues, can gather together, unite, and build a stronger movement.
More info:
email: ynuff2009 (a)gmail.com
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