New York City, NY -- A delegation from the Teton Sioux Nation Treaty Council(TSNTC) flew out of New York City on May 30, 2009, after attending a two-weeksession at the United Nations. The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues was insession.
The delegation included Spokesperson Charmaine White Face, JaniceLarson from Lower Brule, Clifford White Eyes Sr. from Rosebud, and Garvard GoodPlume, Pine Ridge.The Teton Sioux Nation Treaty Council was established in 1893 by Chief He Dogspecifically to uphold the terms of the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868.
Delegationsfrom the TSNTC began their efforts in the United Nations in 1984 afterexhausting all remedies in the United States. TSNTC delegations have attendedmost of the sessions of the Permanent Forum since the first session in 2001.This is the Eighth the Session.
The UN Permanent Forum provides an opportunity for the Nation States, who are members of the United Nations, to hear issues directly from Indigenous Nationsand peoples. It also provides an opportunity to meet with officials of UNagencies and offices, and to meet and network with representatives of otherIndigenous nations and peoples.
On the floor of the session, the TSNTC gave recommendations in two differentpresentations called `interventions' in the UN system.
The first interventionwas supported by the Ochapowace Cree Nation in Canada and the Lipon ApacheWomen's Defense from Texas. Supporters on the second intervention included theOchapowace Nation (Canada), Aboriginal Commission on Human Rights - Canada,Indigenous Women's Network - Canada, and the Federation of Saskatchewan IndianNations.
A consistent recommendation for many years from the TSNTC has been the need foran International process to mediate the upholding of the Fort Laramie Treaty of1868 made by the Great Sioux Nation with the United States.
A similar recommendation was made by the Representative from Greece, Madame Erica IreneDaes, an expert on Indigenous Issues.
A second recommendation was for studies on the impacts of uranium mining on the entire environment of the Treaty Territory.
The pollution and water runoff fromthe more than 1,000 abandoned uranium mines and prospects in the Territory, andthe impacts to the groundwater caused by more than 10,000 uncapped and unfilledexploratory wells drilled 40-45 years ago must be investigated by objective investigators.
A third recommendation requested the World Health Organization (WHO) to do a study of the impacts on Indigenous Nations and Peoples of uranium mining,development, testing, wastes, and any other aspects of the nuclear industry.
Inthe final hours of the Session, this third recommendation was approved by the 16members of the Permanent Forum.
This move greatly surprised the TSNTC delegation but they were extremely happy with this success.
In another action, the TSNTC also requested James Anaya, the Special Rapporteuron the Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples to come to the Treaty Territory to conduct an investigation into the Human Rights violations experienced by the people of the Great Sioux Nation.
Further information regarding his possible visit will be made available at a later date.
Meetings are being planned for the delegation to give their reports, to celebrate the approval of the recommendation, and to plan for the World HealthOrganization visits.
####For further information contact Charmaine White Face at 605-399-1868, or email:bhdefenders@msn.com .Tituwan OyateTeton Sioux Nation Treaty Council1315 E. St. Charles St., Rapid City SD 57701
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