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~Pollina Corporate Real Estate cites Virginia as a nationwide model~
RICHMOND – Governor Timothy M. Kaine today announced that Virginia’s pro-business environment has garnered the Commonwealth its latest No. 1 ranking nationally. The top slot accorded to Virginia this week by Pollina Corporate Real Estate Inc., a top U.S. corporate site relocation expert, marks the third time the company has recognized the state with its highest ranking and is the sixth time overall that the Commonwealth has received national recognition as the most business-friendly state under the leadership of Governor Kaine.
Titled Pollina Corporate Top 10 Pro-Business States for 2009: Rebuilding
Americans’ Economic Power, the annual study examined job retention and creation by all 50 states and the federal government. Other states rounding out the top five are Utah, North Carolina, Wyoming and South Carolina.
Virginia also held the top spot in the Pollina study in 2003 and 2007. The Commonwealth ranked second from 2004 to 2006 and third in 2008.
“As Governor, I’ve made it a priority to foster opportunity and quality jobs for Virginians while ensuring our workforce has the educational resources and skills it needs to compete globally,” said Governor Kaine. “During these tough economic times in particular, reclaiming the No. 1 ranking speaks volumes about the consistent way in which Virginia does business-and demonstrates that we’re up for the challenge.”
The Pollina study evaluated states based on 33 factors-including taxes,
human resources, right-to-work legislation, energy costs, infrastructure
spending, workers compensation laws, economic incentives programs, and state economic development efforts.
During Governor Kaine’s administration, Virginia has been recognized as the most business-friendly state in America (Forbes.com 2006-2008), one of the best states for business (CNBC 2007 and 2008), the top-performing state government in America (Governing Magazine 2008) and the state where “a child is most likely to have a successful life (Education Week 2007).”
Earlier this month, the Commonwealth also ranked second in Directorship magazine’s first annual Boardroom Guide to the Best States for Business. The guide assesses the litigation climate in each of the 50 states, as well as the economy, tax climate, cost of living, education, and other measures. In Directorship’s study, Virginia ranked in the top 10 on quality of life, higher education, economy, and the state litigation ranking.
Chicago-based Pollina Corporate Real Estate is a full-service brokerage and consulting firm representing corporations in real estate matters on a national and international basis.
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