Sunday, May 4, 2008

Telling It Like It Really Is......

(The following was submitted by an SCC affiliate)

"...then us common folks would really know where we stand in the scheme of things"
A preamble to honest government
The Roanoke Times
May 4, 2008
After long thought about the quagmire our wonderful nation has found itself in, may I suggest the following idea that will stop all of the hypocrisy that our leaders are speaking. If this idea could be passed by Congress and signed by the president, finally "we, the people" would not have to be misled anymore.

All Congress needs to do it to propose an amendment to the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States. The new preamble could read as follows:

We, the Corporations, Chief Executive Officers, Chief Financial Officers and Primary Shareholders, in order to form a more perfect Corporation, establish monetary hierarchy, ensure financial tranquility, provide for the common defense of our monies, promote the financial welfare to the chief executive officers, chief financial officers and primary shareholders and secure the blessings of financial liberty to the corporations and to their posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the Corporate States of America.

If the powers in our wonderful government could really do this, then us common folks would really know where we stand in the scheme of things.

Robert Hatcher

1 comment:

Not Ophelia Ford said...

Do we all get aluminum foil hats with our conspiracy theories Get over yourselves!!