Saturday, April 26, 2008

New Hybrid Vehicle Gets 77 MPG !

(From )

Hybrid Vehicles: 77.41 Miles per Gallon? Done!!!

EnerDel, the advanced battery systems subsidiary of Ener1, Inc. (OTCBB:ENON) announced on Thursday the confirmation by a U.S. government laboratory of the energy, power and efficiency, as well as thermal performance of the company's lithium-ion battery system.

What's that mean?
Here's the quick version...

Based on the testing, using the company's lithium-titanate battery in a Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle configuration (of a Toyota Prius), the vehicle was able to achieve 77.41 miles per gallon.
Moreover, the battery pack did not overheat during the test. This has been a concern (and excuse) by the majors with lithium-ion batteries.

Now let me ask you this...

Which would you prefer?

A vehicle that meets the mandated 35 miles per gallon in 12 years, or a vehicle that'll get you 77.41 miles per gallon right now? And answer that question, not as an investor, but as a consumer.

While our elected officials bicker over what to do with 70,000 barrels of oil in an effort shave $0.05 off the price of gas—the market has already begun to revolutionize personal transportation.

Because the market knows that a temporary $0.05 reduction in the price of gas is about as useful as Paris Hilton in a game of scrabble……..

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