Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Anniversary of Three Mile Island Reminds Us, Nuclear Power is Still Not the Answer

Statement of Tyson Slocum, Director,
Public Citizen’s Energy Program

WASHINGTON, DC - March 27 - The anniversary of the Three Mile Island
nuclear accident is a somber reminder of the fatal flaws of nuclear power
and the unresolved dangers nuclear energy poses. However, despite the
lessons learned from that catastrophe, the Bush administration is attempting
to jump-start an industry that has been stagnant for almost three decades.

It’s almost as if the Bush administration forgot what happened March 28, 1979,
when feedwater pumps failed at Three Mile Island nuclear plant near
Harrisburg, Pa., leading to a partial core meltdown and the release of significant
amounts of radiation. Prior to this event, mounting public concern and disastrous
cost overruns led to the cancellation of most proposals for new reactors.

Three Mile Island was the final blow. Almost 30 years later, the flaws that halted
interest in nuclear power have not changed. Cost, security, safety and waste
proliferation are lingering problems that have yet to be resolved. Nuclear power
is still dependent on taxpayer handouts for survival; plants still face safety
shortcomings and lack of protection from terrorist attacks. Nuclear power is not
a clean energy source, producing low- and high-level radioactive waste at
every step of the process – from uranium mining to energy production.

What has changed since Three Mile Island? The nuclear industry has targeted
not just ratepayers to bear the financial risk of these boondoggles, but is looking
to saddle all taxpayers with the cost of guaranteeing the loans used to build new
nuclear reactors. Despite the president’s endorsement, nuclear power is not a
solution to global warming.

We have a 10-year window before global warming reaches its tipping point
and major ecological and societal damage becomes unavoidable, says NASA
scientist James Hansen. Even if a nuclear energy project was given government
approval today, it would take about 10 years for the plant to start delivering electricity.
The attempt to revitalize nuclear power is distracting us from cleaner, safer
alternatives, such as renewable energy and energy efficiency. Let’s remember
Three Mile Island so that we don’t make the same mistakes.

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