Monday, December 17, 2007

SCC Press Release

Southside Concerned Citizens today released the following press release:

For Immediate Release: December 17, 2007

Chatham, VA. Southside Concerned Citizens’ (SCC) Board Chairman Jack Dunavant announced today a reinvigoration of efforts to oppose both exploratory drilling and uranium mining in Pittsylvania county.
“The promise of new technology to protect us from this venture simply does not exist and we will fight it at every step, Dunavant said. He continued, “There is simply no way….to do it safely.”
He announced a series of steps and actions that SCC has begun in its battle with local and multi-national mining corporations:
· A revitalization of the Chatham-area chapter with Eloise Nenon of Chatham representing the area on SCC’s Board.
· The establishment of an internet Blog, (, to educate the public on the dangers, to provide information to interested parties as to SCC actions and meetings, to list legislator contact information, to provide calls to action as needed, and to provide a forum for the public to debate the issue and learn more in the process. The Blog contains an on-line poll, an on-line petition, and numerous documents to aid SCC members.
· A petition drive headed by Crystal Huffman of Chatham who lives near the proposed sites. She may be contacted at 434-656-2856 or .
· Simultaneous research projects to gather information on both strategy and the substance of the debate.
· An email campaign to gather email addresses of all concerned residents so that they can be quickly notified of SCC actions and respond to actions by the mining industry. Interested parties are encouraged to make their desire to be on the list known by emailing Gregg Vickrey, Action Project Chairman, at
· A campaign to get all town councils, city councils, county supervisor boards, State Delegates, and State Senators to resolve and announce their opposition to the drilling and mining
Dunavant said, “With these efforts and more as we roll them out and they come on line, we will defeat these corporations! As Gregg likes to say, Heck No, We Won’t Glow!”

From: John Chaney
Publicity Committee
Southside Concerned Citizens
Cell 434-610-3215
Hm 434-432-4019
SCC email:

Comments can be obtained from:
· Jack Dunavant 434-476-6648
· Eloise Nenon 434-432-4381

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ist a shame that one of the things, all seem to have forgotten.Down stream water intake systems will be effected, millons of homes.Heavy metals,solvents.and who knows what.Dont be fooled use you eyes,go and look at a auto. junk yard, gas, oil , anti freeze,look at the ground in the area. Now Imagine that in your water,in your home.