Thursday, December 20, 2007

Governor's Energy Plan Released

(From Danville Register and Bee 09/13/2007)

Uranium mining on hold for now

Virginia's uranium mining moratorium hasn'tbeen lifted - yet. Gov. Timothy M. Kaine did release a 180-page energyplan for the state at noon Wednesday. The plan is a proposal to promote the commonwealth'senergy independence and to educate consumers on energyconservation and efficiency. Many residents anticipated either an extension oroutright lifting of the moratorium, but while thegovernor's plan doesn't call for lifting themoratorium, it doesn't rule out mining in the future either.
"There are sufficient resources to support a uraniummining industry in Pittsylvania County with enough tomeet the fuel needs of Virginia's current generation,"the report states. "Significant work to assess therisk from mining and need for regulatory controls mustbe completed before any decision can be made whethersuch mining should take place."
The energy plan establishes four broad goals in fourstrategic areas for energy, including a study of nuclear technology.
The plan also includes goals to capitalize on economicdevelopment opportunities and to increase research anddevelopment in alternate transportation fuels, coastalenergy production, and carbon capture and storage. It's the nuclear technologies that have residentsconcerned and at least some opponents to miningrelieved to hear the moratorium wasn't lifted.
"I'm very pleased that a study will take place," saidEloise Nenon, a Chatham resident, who led theopposition to uranium mining in the county in the1980s.
"I am hoping for and we will ask for significantpublic participation in the (mining) study," she said."There are people who feel very strongly about this,with good scientific backgrounds, and we need to get the facts."
If the moratorium is lifted in the future,international mining companies have their eye on thelargest undeveloped uranium deposit in North America -Coles Hill, north of Chatham and south of Gretna inthe Banister District.

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