Olympic Dam mine is the world's largest copper-uranium mine and is owned and operated by Western Mining Corporation (WMC). The mine has been in production for over 15 years.

An Indenture Act signed in 1989 freed WMC from the 'burden' of State and Federal legislation and contained a confidentiality clause prohibiting the release of environmental and health reports unless agreed to by WMC and the government. This has serious consequences considering the hazardous nature of mining and milling uranium.
It is expected that at least 160 million tonnes of radioactive waste will be produced over the life-span of Olympic Dam mine. The waste includes radioactive wash water known as tailings which are stored in 75 hectare retention ponds with levees 30 metres high. The poison will not affect WMC's future but a radioactive legacy imposed upon the traditional owners for many generations. This is undeniably a form of state sanctioned genocide that will continue for thousands of years. Tailings penetrate underground water resources, water that communities need to survive. Radiation emitted from tailings affects humans, animals and plants, causing cancer and genetic mutation.Another aspect of the Olympic Dam project having devastating affects on country and culture is the enormous quantity of water used to process the uranium. The Indenture Act gives permission for WMC to siphon a maximum of 42 million litres a day from the Great Artesian Basin. WMC is under no obligation to pay for the water they use
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