Friday, February 13, 2009

They know what it’s about

To the editor:

How stupid does the Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors think we, the county citizens, are?

When the board voted not to discuss the proposed uranium mining study at its meeting Feb. 2, it showed an utter lack of courage and a more than frightening absence of knowledge.

Dan River Supervisor James Snead stated, “I don’t know what it’s about. … I don’t know how we can consider anything when there’s no information.”

How could anyone who is an elected county official not know “anything” about this topic?

Moreover, that there were enough votes to postpone the discussion indicates a majority of the supervisors are, at best, woefully uninformed or at worst in collusion to prevent the citizens from expressing their concerns about uranium mining.

It appears that our board would rather the Uranium Mining Subcommittee take the heat by simply passing on the problem to the group where we have no representation.

This action by the board mirrors those of County Administrator Dan Sleeper, who disclosed the leachate leak at the landfill 10 months after the leak was discovered.

He did not think the amount of the leak warranted informing the citizens!

What our officials can learn from this is that they must become better informed about the mining of uranium, be willing to open the discussion to the citizens and be forthcoming with the truth.

What we the county citizens can learn from this is vigilance is of the utmost importance because it seems that our elected representatives are asleep at the wheel.

It is never too early to inform ourselves about the process of a recall — let’s not wait for the next election to show our disgust!

Pittsylvania County

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