Thursday, February 12, 2009

Gretna residents applaud Hurt action

Wednesday, February 11, 2009 8:22 AM EST

My husband and I are very pleased with the decision by Hurt Town Council to approve a resolution on behalf of their townspeople asking for representation from Hurt to oversee an unbiased uranium study.

This certainly shows that Hurt Town Council really cares about the health, safety and welfare of their citizens.

We think it is commendable of Mr. Tommy Neal for his leadership on this matter by making the motion to adopt this, and we would like to thank him and council personally and on behalf of all the citizens of Hurt. Mr. Neal made his career by protecting citizens and certainly showed at the meeting he is still doing so.

All towns, counties, businesses, churches and civic organizations should follow Hurt's fine example and put in their own resolutions.

Your livelihood is going to be decided by others if you don't take action to protect yourself!

All citizens should call or write your local and state representatives to make sure they protect you. Citizens, you need to get involved; don't leave it up to someone else or it won't get done.

Take your future, your children's future and your grandchildren's future into your own hands or you will get mined!

Don't believe those who will say that the government will come in and take this uranium if they want it.

The United States Department of Energy Office of Public Affairs just released their Excess Uranium Inventory Plan Dec. 16, 2008, and how they plan to sell part of it. A total of 550 metric tons of uranium yellowcake from Iraq was shipped to Canada (Cameco bought it) by the U.S. military, which cost the taxpayers $70 million.

If we really needed uranium, we would have brought this 550 metric tons here and we would not be selling our excess uranium!

If you need any help with resolutions, education information or anything else we can do, please do not hesitate to call us at 434-656-2046 or e-mail us at

We do not belong to any groups, but are concerned citizens, parents and grandparents. We are trying to do our part to get the word out. Won't you do your part also?

Deborah LovelaceGretna

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