Thursday, December 11, 2008

Governor Kaine says Pittsylvania County Uranium Study Should Go Forward

By Jim Nolan

Published: December 11, 2008

Virginia Gov. Timothy M. Kaine says a study to assess the feasibility and environmental impact of mining a massive uranium deposit located in Pittsylvania County should go forward, as long as a credible group is doing the study.

"They're talking about the National Academy of Science -- very credible -- I don't think there's any reason not to do it," Kaine said in an interview.

Virginia put a moratorium on uranium mining 25 years ago. Last month, the state legislature's Commission on Coal and Energy agreed to study the impact of uranium mining.

On Friday a subcommittee of the Virginia Commission on Coal and Energy meets at the General Assembly Building to discuss the planned study.

Contact Jim Nolan at (804) 649-6061 or

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