Monday, February 4, 2008


ALL SCC Affiliates Are Requested to Email The Council of the Town of Halifax ASAP !!

As most of you are already aware, on January 15, the Halifax Town Council voted unanimously to advertise the ordinance prohibiting corporate chemical and radioactive trespass and stripping corporations of rights of personhood within the town. The public comment period will end with the Town Council meeting this Thursday, February 7, and the council is expected to vote on the ordinance.

We're firing a shot across Virginia Uranium Inc.'s bow -- we're saying, loud and clear, "We, the people, refuse to allow corporations to contaminate our land, water and soil, and every living thing therein, for millions of years. We refuse to allow corporations to poison our bodies and the bodies of our children and future generations. We, the people, expect and demand that our elected officials honor their duty and commitment to protect our environment and our health, wellbeing and welfare."

As you know, the VUI cabal is operating under Code Red, and their pressure on Southside's town council members and county supervisors are in high gear. They will threaten the Halifax Town Council members and attempt to and coerce them to refuse to do the will of the citizens of Halifax. Their public relations and lobbying machine are revved up in an attempt to further build and solidify the support of the Virginia legislature, the governor, the media, local and regional chambers of commerce and civic groups, and the US Congress.

The Town of Halifax is in the crosshairs.

Starting today, the Halifax Town Council must feel like the Rhinestone Cowboy -- getting cards and letters from people they don't even know, and offers (of support) comin' over the phone.

THANK THEM for voting to advertise the ordinance. Praise their courage and their commitment to stand up for democracy and protect the people and environment of the town. URGE THEM to vote YES on the ordinance.

Forward this message to everyone you know in Virginia, regardless of where they live. The Halifax Town Council members need to feel supported by citizens throughout Southside and throughout Virginia.

Call or send email to the Halifax Town Council, care of Carl Espy, Town Manager: 434-476-2343; 434-476-6344 (fax);

Please take action today!


Click the Link Below for Email Addresses for the Halifax C0uncil:

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