Massey rehires miners to meet demand from Asia
22 hours ago
AP Business Writer
(AP:CHARLESTON, West Virginia) Massey Energy Co. said Wednesday it's begun rehiring miners amid growing demand for coking coal from Asian steelmakers.
Officials with the Richmond, Virginia-based coal producer also told analysts they've been seeing promising signs that U.S. demand for coking coal to fire blast furnaces is recovering. Both are positive signs for U.S. coal producers and the ailing economy, which has left towering stockpiles of coal at power plants and in coal-producing states this summer.
"As China and India consume more coal, we believe our opportunity may be greater to sell our coal directly into these markets or to displace Australian and South African coal in the market as that production remains in Asia," Massey Chief Executive Don Blankenship said.
Massey's coking coal shipments to Asia are growing and should account for about half its exports over the final six months of the year, he said. "Used to be sometimes there wasn't anything going to Asia."
Coking coal imports to China have soared as the country's steel mills have cranked up production this summer, said industry analyst Charles Bradford of Affiliated Research Group.
"They imported 4.6 million metric tons last month," Bradford said. "For the first six months (of 2009) they only imported 12.7 million tons, so you did a third of the six months in one month."
Activity also is picking up in the United States, where steel mills are operating at more than 52 percent of capacity, up from 47 percent in June, Bradford said.
"A lot of people are bringing facilities back online," he said. "They're all saying they're see no economic recovery, yet they're reopening capacity."
Massey, too, has seen positive signs from U.S. steel producers. Coking coal accounted for 19 percent of the 9.4 million tons of coal Massey produced from mines in West Virginia, Kentucky and Virginia in the second quarter.
"We have seen at least two significant accounts change their shipment schedule positively, even at some fairly healthy prices," Blankenship said. "So I don't think we're going to sell any more coal at high prices but I think people that have commitments to us appear to be more able to fulfill those commitments and so, therefore, you could see a better volume and second half met situation than we forecasted.
"On the utility side," he said, "I expect it to be very ugly for the next 18 months."
Still, Massey President Baxter Phillips said the company began rehiring a few laid-off workers during the second quarter, but still ended the period with 639 fewer miners.
Libya and Canada sign nuclear deal
TRIPOLI (AFP) - Libya and Canada have signed a memorandum of intent on nuclear power, the fourth signed by Tripoli in the past two years, an official said on Thursday.
The memorandum foresees cooperation between the two countries in research and the mining, processing and transport of uranium, as well as its use in medicine and desalination projects.
Since July 2007, Libya has signed another three similar agreements with France, Russia and Ukraine.
OPEC member Libya is also the African continent's third largest oil producer after Nigeria and Angola, pumping nearly two million barrels of crude oil per day. It hopes to increase production to three million bpd by 2013.
Australia’s new uranium mine linked to arms sales and spying
The company with the right contacts
The Brisbane Times, Ben Cubby, 30 July 09
GENERAL ATOMICS, the company behind the nation’s newest uranium mine, has been patiently lobbying Australian politicians for more than a decade to encourage it to allow mining, to develop nuclear reactors and buy high-tech weapons.
The company has ferried members of the US Congress, their families and aides to Australia for high-level talks. It has paid for Labor MPs to travel to the United States to see its weapons and nuclear reactors first-hand, as well as hosting taxpayer funded trips……………………………………
To put its case for more mines and more weapons in Canberra, the company uses Hawker Britton, a lobbying firm that includes many former ALP staffers and MPs.
But among the biggest supporters of uranium mining expansion is the South Australian Premier, Mike Rann, who was on the Greenpeace executive that launched the Rainbow Warrior protest ship to try to block French nuclear weapons tests in 1972……………………………….
General Atomics flew a group from the US Congress to Australia, accompanied by company executives, to persuade the Federal Government to buy the company’s Predator unmanned aircraft………………………….
As well as its interest in unmanned spy planes, General Atomics has employed human spies. Last year it was caught hiring a former undercover police officer turned private investigator to infiltrate Australian environment groups and report on their actions. The former officer was posing as a Kurdish refugee and feeding information back to General Atomics.
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