Saturday, June 27, 2009

Coal protesters assaulted and shot at, says Hansen - June 26, 2009

Comment: This may be our future in the Piedmont area of Virginia if the Corp. Virginia approves uranium mining! IT IS RUMOR SOME PEOPLE IN OUR LOVELY COUNTY IS AFRAID TO DISPLAY "NO URANIUM SIGNS" AROUND THIER HOME!

Jim Hansen has released a statement about his arrest earlier this week at a protest against coal mining by the company Massey Energy in West Virginia.

The NASA scientist and doyen of climate change protestors was arrested after those protesting against Massey’s mountaintop mining faced off against the company’s supporters. While Hansen describes local police as “courteous and professional”, he backs allegations made by some protestors that a supporter of the mining company assaulted one of their number. He also says that local man Larry Gibson, who has refused to sell his property for mining, has been the target of drive-by shootings.

However, he adds, “If Gandhi had the sequence right (first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win), we are already three-quarters of the way there. I noticed that it was only a handful of Massey people who were really vocal.

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