Friday, September 5, 2008

Regarding the Sept. 3, 2008 article below captioned "Chatham mayor unfazed by chemical trespass setback" by Tim Davis, Star-Tribune editor, it appears that it's based on a factual error. We have received, and thank her for, the following from Shireen Parsons:

The article below was constructed around a gross inaccuracy. The Chase City ordinance, sneeringly and erroneously referred to in this article as "a so-called 'chemical trespass' ordinance in Chase City," was, in fact, a sustainable energy ordinance, has nothing to do with uranium mining, and is irrelevant to Mayor Haley's efforts in Chatham.

I trust that Mr. Davis, editor of the Star Tribune, will issue a front-page correction immediately.

Shireen Parsons
Virginia Organizer
Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund

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